June analysis

With the month of June, the first half of 2021 was close. In this second quarter, equities experienced a good time and this was mainly due to the fact that vaccination campaigns continued to accelerate in most developed economies, especially [...]

May analysis

May was a month marked by concerns related to a possible rise in inflation and implications for Federal Reserve policy. However, confidence has increased, especially thanks to indications that the central bank would stay on course. Major equity indices rose [...]

April analysis

April passed in review as a positive month for the financial markets. The growth in equity markets was driven by the favourable economic outlook. Better management of the pandemic, with a global trend towards reopening business, will lead to growth [...]

March analysis

The rise in US long-term bonds yields continued in March, with the 10-year treasury rising to around 1.75%, approaching the 2% observation threshold set by the FED. At its March meeting, the FED maintained its position by confirming monetary policy [...]

February analysis

Market dynamics in February were marked by strong volatility, especially in the last week of trading, which wiped out much of the monthly performance. All because of the prospect of faster than expected inflation growth. This expectation increased investors' [...]

Sustainable Investments – ESG

Sustainable Investments - ESG   Over the last few years, new forms of investment have emerged which, in addition to pursuing financial objectives, like traditional investments, take into due consideration criteria relating to environmental, social and governance issues, the [...]

December analysis

The year 2020 will be remembered as a horrible year. The Coronavirus pandemic claimed over 1.8 million lives globally. The economy was hit hard causing an economic slump not seen since World War II. Financial markets experienced one of the [...]

November analysis

The past month was a record month for stock markets, with the main global indices posted increases not seen in several years with overall gains exceeding 10%. The main player was the old continent with the Euro Stoxx 50 index [...]

Has gold lost its shine?

The price of gold has undergone a sharp correction in the last few days, bringing the price of the yellow metal to around USD 1,800 per ounce. This despite the low interest rates and the continuing substantial dollar’s weakness. The [...]

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